Pink blogs and the other side of the moon blogs (part one)
I am a clinical pathologist that means I analyze people’s blood to know what is wrong with their bodies. when I was younger I wanted to be a psychiatrist to analyze people and know what is wrong with their minds, but I feared to lose my own. Any way I can’t t resist analyzing things (old habits hardly die) and being here for while surfing here and there I ended up with some observations that I decided to write them down not to forget them.
I noticed there are two types of blogs the pink blogs and the other side of moon blogs which could have two subtypes. (According to me of course)
Anyway now I write down my comments on the pink blogs:
They appreciate every tiny detail of their life and life in general.
They tend to belong to someone or something (their families and friends).
They color the world with rainbows when they are happy and spread Joy around them ( you know like you can see hearts , balloons and butterflies coming out from in between the lines some times I could even hear music and see them dancing ballet LA LALA :).
They are very noble in both their sadness and anger (they never use bad language).
They have values and tend to be religious.
They have realistic dreams those that can be accomplished they don’t waste their energy over lost battles.
They make you feel that we live in a warm loving society that all their member love and support each other which it was true.
Well that is all for now
I noticed there are two types of blogs the pink blogs and the other side of moon blogs which could have two subtypes. (According to me of course)
Anyway now I write down my comments on the pink blogs:
They appreciate every tiny detail of their life and life in general.
They tend to belong to someone or something (their families and friends).
They color the world with rainbows when they are happy and spread Joy around them ( you know like you can see hearts , balloons and butterflies coming out from in between the lines some times I could even hear music and see them dancing ballet LA LALA :).
They are very noble in both their sadness and anger (they never use bad language).
They have values and tend to be religious.
They have realistic dreams those that can be accomplished they don’t waste their energy over lost battles.
They make you feel that we live in a warm loving society that all their member love and support each other which it was true.
Well that is all for now
I like this analysis awi :D...can't wait to read the rest...
Anonymous, at 8:57 AM
Mmm.. Tab why dont u give us some examples kiddie? :P
Nour, at 12:07 PM
What about the other side of the moon blogs?:)
I think there are also blogs which are a mixture of both happiness & saddness, brightness & gloominess, up & downs. In other words, "down to earth blogs".
Wonderer, at 3:35 PM
like ur analysis alot doctor..
i think i,m the other type??!
AM I???
ayman_elgendy, at 6:25 PM
thanks guys for what you wrote didnt know that people will like it. I am working on part two and I have to work more now to make it up to your expectations I guess.
thanks I promise to post it tomorrow I had a long day at work today cant do it now sorry.
sorry examples are not for public use but I guess they will know themseleves.
wonderer :
you are right the other side of the moon blogs have subtypes one of them is what u called down to earth if you will allow me I can use your words?
sorry to disappoint you :))
The new kid in the blogger, at 11:36 PM
I wonder what kind of blogs do I have?
Nesrina, at 1:42 PM
can t you guess ya message ?, just think if you didnt know I will tell you my friend :))
The new kid in the blogger, at 12:22 AM
Other side of the moon tab3an :)
Sometimes my posts are gloomy I know and sometimes flowers and stuff ... Gemini !
Nesrina, at 11:42 AM
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