meaningless lines

Saturday, April 29, 2006

انا و انت و البلوج

المكان : مكان من الاماكن.
الزمان : يو م من الايام و ساعة من الساعات.
الاشخاص : اتنين يمكن اكون منهم.

انا من وراء الكمبيوتر: انا قررت المرة دى اعمل بوست عن الاغانى.
انت من وراء الجريدة: و ماله.
انا: لا انا هاكتب قصيدة الاول.
انت: ماشى
انا: هل تريد نزالى فا
انت: ننزل نروح فين خلينا فى البيت احسن.
انا : ؟؟؟؟
انت بحذر: هو انت قلت ايه؟
انا: انا كنت هاقولك القصيدة!!!
انت: اه اه ماشى و بعدين
انا: هل تريد نزالى هل من مبارز ؟ اذا كنت تريد فاحذر فانا فى الهوي دائما منتصر
انت: انت دايما تستخدمى لغة المذكر فى كتابتك ليه؟ .
انا: ايه المشكلة يعنى ؟
انت: ابدا بس ماله المؤنث مش برضه سيادتك و احدة ست و لا انا متجوز واحد صاحبى لامؤاخذة.
انا: ثصدق بالله انك رزل؟ يعنى كل الناس بتكتب بصيغة المذكر و محدش قال حاجة.
انت: مش فاهم؟
انا: هو كل شعراء الجاهليه و غير الجاهلية مش كانوا بيكتبوا بصيغة المذكر
انت: ايوه بس دول رجالة
انا: انا قصدى كان بيخاطبوا الحبيب دائما على انه مذكر مع ان زى ما انت لسه بتقول كانوا رجالة و لا هم لامواخذة كانوا (***)
انت : ده تخريف جديد على غرار نظريتك عن المصارعة الرومانية؟
انا:لابقى كله الا دى انا متاكدة من اللى اخترع اللعبة دى كان كدة يعنى بذمتك لعبة كل اللى فيها اتنين رجالة فى وضع مخل تبقى ايه؟
انتك و ده برضة زي اغانى ام كلثوم اللى انت مصرة انها قلة ادب؟
انا: طبعا يعنى لما تقول خدني لحنانك خدنى و لا لما تقول و نقول للشمس تعالى مش قبل سنة يبقى ايه
انت : دى رومانسية ايش فهمك انتى
انا: رومانسية ايه يا استاذ اتنين بيتقابلوا بالليل و مش عايزين الشمس تطلع ليه علشان يكملوا فورة الاستيمشن يعنى ؟
انت: بقولك اية انت اللى مخك الاستقبال بتاعه مشوش جربي تفكى الرلوه ده يمكن تستقبلى الارسال اوضح شوية.
انا: و الله انت اللى خارج نطاق الخدمة اساسا

كلمة تم حذفها لمراعاة شعور البينك بلوجرز (***) -

Friday, April 28, 2006

اعلن العالم الحرب على

كبرتى قالتها صديقة امى فى الصباح و لم اعيها الا فى المساء عندما كنت انتهى من الصلاة و اقتحم هدوء نفسى و صمت جدرانى صوت عال لاغنية طالما سمعناها سويا و شق صدرى الم حاد يذكرنى بما احسسته من يوميين عندما اعلنت انك تنوى الرحيل لانك ببساطة توقفت عن حبى. هربت للخارج لاحتمى باسرتى لافاجاء بامى و خالى فى نقاش حول بيع شاليه العائلة الصيفى. كله الاهذا انا اعشق هذا المكان و كل ذكرياتى فيه و شق صدرى الم اقوى و ما التفت حتى اعود لغرفتى شاهدتنى امى فاستنجدت بي لادخل طرف فى نقاش, بهت فهذة ليس عادتها فهى دائما ما تبعدنى عن الصراعات و عندما رفض خالى, صرخت قائلة: ليه هى كبرت خلاص و لازم تعرف كل حاجة . زاد الالم عن احتمالى فهربت الى غرفتى و سريرى احتمى بهم و الا ان الاصوات اخذت تعلو و تعلو الاغنية و صوت امى و صوت خالى يتبادلان الاتهامات . وضعت يدى على اذنيي لامنع كل الاصوات حاولت الهرب لذكرياتى طاردتنى احلامى بان اكبر لواقع كبرت فيه فعلا لتتضخم الاصوات مرة اخرى صرخت هل كبرت لاجل هذا؟ هل كبرت كى يجرحنى حبيب؟ كبرت لتسقط كل اقنعة من حولى ليظهر قبح كانوا يخفونه امام براة طفولتى؟ لتباع كل ايامى و ذكرياتى؟ صرخت يا رب رجعنى تانى صغيرة . و تذكرت مصحفى احتضنته بكفاى و علا صوتى بالتلاوة لاطرد كل الاصوات من غرفتى فقد اعلن العالم الحرب على لاننى ببساطة كبرت .

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

الليل و اخره

(اصل اللمبة قلاووظ و انت م بتلفش)
The final parts of a joke about two drunken people don’t know if any of you know the joke???
I remember this joke all the time when I am attending the staff meeting

يا سيدى اهوه كله برتقال) احدى جمل مسرحية العيال كبرت).
This always jumps into my mind when I try to explain the right way of doing things to one of the technician in my lab and it ends up that he is doing things his way after a long lecture from me as if I have been talking to myself.

يارب حاسب نينا بالدقيقة مش بالمدة) احدى اقوال الفتى مرشدى ).
When my two bosses fight together in staff meeting about silly things and I have to sit there for hours watching them without being able to say what I really thinks of both of them or even of what they are fighting about.

This isn’t imitating anyone it is only midnight hallucination I decided it honor my favorite says or words by publishing them on my blog but due to the effect of a long day with kids it came out like this..

Sunday, April 23, 2006

can you guess who ? trial number 2

جالى ميسد من الواد صاحبى صحيت عليه بس مش هارد. قلت لنفسى كده و انا بقوم من السرير شعور لذيذ ان الواحد يلمس الارض و هو حافى بحس انى حرة خصوصا فى الايام الحر دى يا ساتر انا كنت هافطس امبارح بصراحة انا مش بحب الحر بيخلى الواحد كده ملزق و مش طايق نفسه . يووه انا نسيت انا كنت بقول ايه أأه الواد صاحبى رن لى و انا مش هارد عليه اصلى ماليش كيف النهاردة اتنطط معاه فى الشوارع .زهقانة شوية منه و لا منى و لا من التنطيط مش عارفة . هو مش هاين عليا اسيبه يرن بس برضه مش قادرة اندمج فى الدور صحيح هو واد لذيذ ومجنون بس على مين ده انا الذ و اجن منه ميت مرة. طب اقوم اعمل شاى كده و اشوف يمكن قلبى يحن.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I dont believe in fairy tales

OK I will do something here which might be crazy but I really want to go for it I will imitate few bloggers in their writing style just for fun and to warm up and trying to unlock my writer block.

So let me try this:

I don’t believe in fairy tales. I mean as many people said before, we never knew what happened after they come together? Did they really live happily ever after? but this not the only reason I don’t believe in fairy tales the other one is that it cant be true love they don’t have the required the elements of a relationship’s success. It is a shallow attraction between a handsome young rich man who seems silly enough to fall in love with a pretty girl the moment he saw her with no words no thoughts exchange without even knowing anything about her even her name ok the prince in Cinderella did know her name danced with her, but this prince in snow white what did he have as a basis for his love a kiss to a sleeping lips?? Which makes me believe that this love is built on only pure physical attraction and not pure romantic love as they tried to make us believe through the years and again how can I buy that the king in Cinderella easily agreed that his son marry a common girl with no family or money just because her shoes were the right size!!

ok that was a silly trial for imitation because actually I don’t know whom I did imitate in this post :) promise to make it better next time.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The shadow of my friend

She was sitting in the middle of the room all dressed black sadness added to her beauty. I sat in a corner that allows seeing the entire house, the same house that witnessed our friendship. I used to spend more time here than in my home, I remember the fights I had with my parents for her sake. I can see my memories every where I can even hear our voices I can’t believe that time flew and that I am back here to this prison where I locked my self willingly 20 years ago as a fat teenager, lacking a smashing beauty but had the wisdom of grown up, I was charmed with her beauty that all boys where chasing, and she found in me the friend that keeps a secret and give advices that always worked. All I wanted is to be near the queen of all girls at school as I will only be accepted through her. Things I did for her where beyond the logic and reasons of a person like me I covered up of her so she can meet her boy friends I wrote her love letter because she get bored of writing. I studied for her done her homework.

I did her house work, baby-sat her sister while she was on the phone with her lover. I kept going on with no limits for what I can do for her I lived in her shadow I was seen through her eyes no one cared or even thoughts about discovering this shadow of the queen I was just there unseen unheard unnoticed but I didn’t care as long as I have the chance to be around her and her smile would wipe all pain I suffered for knowing deep down inside that she doesn’t really give a dam about me.
I don’t know how long it took me to be weaned from her, to be able to live on my own; I don’t even remember why I did that. I just one day had enough I walked away disappeared from her life and the funny thing that she didn’t even noticed that I am not there any more. All the years I believed that I was indispensable for her were wasted, I lost myself in hers and the scars still there. The pain was coming back so fast that I wanted to leave before she sees me, but it was too late she spotted me, screamed my name and welcomed me with a big hug and said that as I used to be there for her in hard times and cried the loss of her father on my shoulder. For a moment I was about to me caught in her shadow, I extruded myself from her arms before melting in her gain and run out shouting that I have to go now.

Friday, April 14, 2006

قليلا من هذا -----و-قليلا من هذا

القيت بجسدى المنهك على اقرب مقعد فى منزلى و احسست بمدى خوار قواى. ارحت رأسى مستسلما للالم و الارهاق و احسست كانى لتوى خارج من معركة او صراع عنيف . و لكن صراع مع ماذا فاليوم ليس الا احد هذا الايام العادية و من انا حتى يكون لى صراع مع شىء او احد. فانا احد هولاء الاشخاص العاديين اصحاب الحياة الرتييبة الملتصقون بعقرب الساعة يدورون مع دورانه بلا كلل و لا ملل. شخص عادى من اسرة عادية ذهبت الى مدرسة عادية و دخلت كلية عادية , تزوجت من فتاة عادية انجبت اولاد عاديين اسكن فى شقة عادية املك سيارة عادية حتى ملامحى عادية كل شىء عادى لدرجة انك اذا مررت بى لن تلحظنى و لن الفت انتباهك . اذهب لعملى كل صباح كالالاف الناس العادييين القى بنفسى فى سيارتى و القى بها وسط الزحام و اسير بالية و تلقائية كانى مبرمج على خط سيرى.
بل انه ليس حتى احد الايام التى اصحو فيها من النوم مكدر المزاج بدون سبب واضح فاصب غضبى على كل شى
انه يوم عادى كمئات الايام التى مرت على انا. انا حتى لم ادخل فى نقاش عنيف مع احد و لم يعتد احد على حدودى انا حتى لا اعلم ما هى حدودى و لا اظن احد يعلم لى حدود فانا عادى لدرجة عدم وضوح ملامحى.انا مجرد شخص هناك بلا طعم بلا رائحة مبتسما دائما ابتسامة الصادقة كانها رسمت على شفتاى اتعامل مع الناس مع مختلف ارائهم و ميولهم و اتحمل سخافاتهم و جنونهم كنت اكلم كلا بلغته كنت اتحدث مع اصدقاء والدى من سفراء و مشاهير الكتاب بنفس العمق و الطلاقة التى اتحدث بها مع عم محمد البواب. اكون محبا لكل شىء منتميا لكل شىء و متمردا على كل شىءمتسكعا فى الحياة , كنت قليلا من هذا و قليلا من هذا
تعب القلب من كل هذا من كثرة تغير لغته و لغة فكره من بحثه عن ذاته عن مكان ينتمى اليه. كنت فى الماضى مستمتعا بهذا التعب كان ارهاق لذيذ يدفعننى الى المزيد و المزيد حتى اما اليوم ,فلم يعد شىء يثيرنى و لا يحزنى او يفرحنى. استسلمت لرتابة الايام .لم اعد استطيع ان اكون مراة الاخرين يرون فيها اجمل ما فيهم لم اعد حتىاستطيع اكون صفيحة القمامة التى يلقون فيها حماقاتهم فاتقبلها.

يبدو انى عجزت , ازعجتنى الفكرة فنهضت الى المرأة اتامل ووجهى و جسدى لا انكر انى وجدت قليلا من الكرمشة اسفل عيناى و بعض الشعيرات البيضاء و كرشا يعد بمستقبل عظيم و ترهل فى انحاء جسدى و لكن لا شىء يماثل التجعيدات التى احسها فى روحى و احتلت قلبى تتسرب مع نبضاته الى كل انفعالاتى و احاسيسى ربما استطيع ان اصبغ شعرى الابيض استطيع ان امارس الرياضة لتلك التجعيدات و الترهل لكن ماذا افعل بقلبى و روحى . شاخ قلبى و اصبحت كثيرا من هذا----و لاشىء من هذا.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

وؤدت فى الصدور الكلمات
تموت على الشفاه الابتسامات
و تباعد بنا الخطوات
وتفترق النظرات
و رغم ما يجمعنا من مكان
و هدوء الغضب مع الزمان
يبنى الكبرياء الف جدار فى القلب
ليسجن فى ثناياه الحب
الف سبب وسبب
يدفع بالغربة فى القلب
و تصير برودة الاختلاف جليدا يحتضن دفء الائتلاف

و افقد القدرة على النظر فى عينيك دونما خوف
و يجذبنى الحنين الى الخلف
ليقذفنى هدير براكين الغضب
و ارتطم بجليد عينيك بعنف
كيف ولد الكره فى القلوب
كيف بعدما التقت تفرقت الدروب
ربما يعمينا الغضب
ربما انا السبب
ربما انت السبب
و لكن ما يثير العجب اننا فى غمار الصراع
نسينا من انت و من انا
و تهاوت الاقنعة قناع وراء قناع
و هوينا بكل قوة الى القاع
فكان فراق بلا وداع

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Here we go

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn on page 18 and find line 4.

"Some of F cells have their f plasmid integrated into the bacterial wall" The book name is medical microbiology and immunology ( I am giving a lecture next tuesday have to work on it ).

2.Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?

A documentary about famous airplane pilots who saved their planes from crash on Discovery channel, it was very intersting my sons (10 years and 5 years old) were watching it and I could nt move till it was over .

4.Without looking, guess what time it is?

well last time I checked it was a minutes ago and it was 11:00 pm.

5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?

it is 11:11 pm

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?

My youngest son breathing while he sleeps besides me.

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?

I was at work doing the usual stuff I do at work check out the routine of the unit ( I work in the university hospital I am one of the supervisor of the Microbiolgy unit there) I try to teach something to the new fresh doctor who just start his work with us, and chat with colleagues and had a nice productive meeting with my boss who gave me something to do which I should be working on now instead of answering that, but for Message eyes I take the risk:)).

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?

On my next lecture slides on the pc and filgoal site to check the results of todays football matches.

9.What are you wearing?

A blue Pj ( can I know what is question reveals about my personality:))?

.10. Did you dream last night?

I enjoy a very active dream life I always dream more than one dream per night I even have english dreams with arabic subtitles really I do !!!

11. When did you last laugh?

Just a minute ago with my son.

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?

A mirror , a painting that I inherited from my grandma, a photo of a my mum in her honey moon ( she died five years ago, and I miss her every day). and two tableau one indian style and the other is I dont know which style it is but they are both nice. crowded isn't it?

13. Seen anything weird lately?


14. What do you think of this quiz?

Funny and can't figure it out.

15. What is the last film you saw?

The pink panther

16. If you became a multimillionaire overnight, what would you buy?

Borche, Ferrarri, BMW, Hummer actually two of each for my boys. minicopper for me, a villa with pool, and every a kind of new technology that can make life easier, build a school, health club with a mall, and eduction center that only women can join ,work at and enter. it will have baby sisters, offer courses in different fields, and serves hot meals for the ladies to take home after having fun and doing whatever they want to do in this center. finally I will start a project to make every street in egypt an ideal street by the hand of its own inhabitants. long list:)) oh I forgot travel all around the world with my kids.

17. Tell me something about you that I dunno.

That is long list remember I am the new kid in the block nobody know any thing about me but being left handed would be nice to say ( you know left handed are genuis :))

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?

I want all people to be Pink bloggers.

19. Do you like to dance?

not anymore

20. George Bush.

I have a smaller copy at work.

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?

"Seteldar" well I always want to have boys so I rarely thought about girls name sorry. (I dont hate girls I love them enough not to bring one in such world for men).

22.Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?

Ali that my first son name.

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?

not really

24.What do you want GOD to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?

oh it is you!! ( ok sorry bad joke) let me try again mmm ok i hope he will tell "I think I can forgive, I know you didnt mean any harm"

25. 4 people who must also do this meme in their journal.

let me see whom left so I can ask ok I guess wonderer, ayman, tigress and opps dont know enough people wait bluerose if she reads my blog.

thanks again Message it was fun doing it and thank you for considering me one of the gang

Friday, April 07, 2006


المشهد الاول:

انا و انت نسير على اقدامنا نحتضن شنطة المدرسة و نتبادل الاحلام و تمضى الايام و تختفى شنط المدرسة لتحل محلها كتب الجامعة و اوراق تحمل خواطرى او اشعارك على سطورها نقرأها سويا و نحن نشاهد غروب الشمس و نجدد وعود الحب.

المشهد الثانى :

انا و انت نجوب نفس الطرقات و نحمل الصحف و نتبادل قرأة اعلانات الوظائف الخالية و الاحلام التى سنحققها عندما نجد وظيفة. و تمر الايام و انا و انت نجوب نفس الطرقات فى سيارة صغيرة قديمة و تحمل اصابعنا دبل تتوج احلامنا و تولد احلام جديدة ببيت و اطفال ونتحدث عنها و يشهد عليها غروب الشمس.

المشهد الثالث:

انا و انت فى سيارة كبيرة و دبل انتقلت من اصابع لاصابع و طفل فى المقعد الخلفى و شريط كاسيت لمطرب يتحدث عن احلامه و نحن نتبادل الصمت و الشرود. احتضن يديك ترد بابتسامة و نظرة فارغة و نشاهد غروب الشمس .

المشهد الرابع:

انا و حدى فى سيارة كبيرة و طفلان يلهوان فى المقعد الخلفى احلم لهما احلام كبيرة و استمع لاحلامهما الصغيرة و انا اجوب نفس الطرقات. يأ تى صوتك عبر الهاتف معتذرا عن تاخير جديد القى الهاتف جوارى غير مبالية و اشاهد غروب الشمس فى المرأة الجانبية للسيارة وانا امضى بعيدا و المح اثنان يجوبان نفس الطرقات تعلو شفتاى ابتسامة ساخرة .

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Pink blogs and the other side of the moon blogs (final):

Finally we reach the last group it is the subtype which I call the dark side of the moon. I do so because I guess the writer of these blogs are living in the dark side of their souls or of their society. I don’t want to make a long statement so I will just describe them they way I see them and hope they don’t get offended after all who am I to judge anyone??. What I want to say that this group of blogers can have their reasons to behave the way they do and these could be one of the following:

1) They are teenagers whether true ones or those who are suffering from late teenage attack.
2) They have antisocial personality who tends to attack the society for no reason but causing damage.
3) They sore losers who failed or can’t coup with certain loss in their life and they are looking for someone or something to blame so they attack any moving targets.
4) They are lost souls looking for identity or seeking attention being shocking the others through saying or doing things beyond the recognized traditions or values.
5) They misunderstand the concept of freedom and I mean personal freedom and that shows by the way attack the others’ freedom in expressing their selves as if it is only them who are allowed to be different.
6) They hide their shallow minds and personalities by big words and bad words and that shows when you try to purify the comments they write on other blogs if you take all the bad words out will find empty hollow words that doesn’t make sense at all.
7) They are shadows of heroes or we can call them copy cats as their ambition is far more than their abilities so they imitate a figure or model and try hard to cover their weakness behind the tough phony beliefs they claim they have and that collapse under pressure or attacks by other.
8) At last there are few who are just like that.

I might have more to say about them but I don’t want to repeat myself trying explain my point of view and I guess what I already said can give a close idea

Pink blogs and the other side of the moon blogs (part two):

It isn’t easy to write about these blogs because I see that there are two subtypes one is the grey zone and the second is the dark side of the moon. Not only that but also because although I consider myself a person who went through a lot in life I was amazed of what I read on some of these blogs (I know now that my parents raised me well as I didn’t understand most of the bad words they used).

Anyway to cut it short, here is my observations concerning the grey zone blogs (grey zone is a word we use in laboratory, when a sample is between positive and negative).

1) They are in between every thing and I mean every thing.
2) They have two parallel lives real life and blog life.
3) They are restless souls looking for a missing piece of a puzzle. They want to have a cause to fight for but they can’t figure it out yet.
4) They are torn between the madness of the creativity and the rules they have to follow to be accepted in their society. So although they are eager to cross the red light they do it in very limited and cautious way.
5) Lastly they long to fit in to find someone or something to belong to just they way they are without masks, but the problem is that they cant accept themselves they way they are as they are looking for the ideal human being and that as we all know doesn’t exist.
So that leave the dark side of the moon blog that will be tough job !!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Pink blogs and the other side of the moon blogs (part one)

I am a clinical pathologist that means I analyze people’s blood to know what is wrong with their bodies. when I was younger I wanted to be a psychiatrist to analyze people and know what is wrong with their minds, but I feared to lose my own. Any way I can’t t resist analyzing things (old habits hardly die) and being here for while surfing here and there I ended up with some observations that I decided to write them down not to forget them.

I noticed there are two types of blogs the pink blogs and the other side of moon blogs which could have two subtypes. (According to me of course)
Anyway now I write down my comments on the pink blogs:

They appreciate every tiny detail of their life and life in general.
They tend to belong to someone or something (their families and friends).
They color the world with rainbows when they are happy and spread Joy around them ( you know like you can see hearts , balloons and butterflies coming out from in between the lines some times I could even hear music and see them dancing ballet LA LALA :).
They are very noble in both their sadness and anger (they never use bad language).
They have values and tend to be religious.
They have realistic dreams those that can be accomplished they don’t waste their energy over lost battles.
They make you feel that we live in a warm loving society that all their member love and support each other which it was true.

Well that is all for now